
Wealth bag


Nice Bag in Organza to Propizia la Ricchezza - Content and Description Magica:

Name Town: Basil - Botanical name: ocimum basilicum - Genre: Male;

Planet:Mars - Element:Fire Power: Richness, Protection, Love;

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Protection, Love, Prosperity, Richness,Purification.From Ricchezza if brought to the Stock Exchange.Put it back near the box in a store, it'll attract customers!

The scent of basil causes immediate sympathy between two people for this reason is used to calm the moods between lovers.

the oximum basilicum

The scent of basil causes immediate sympathy between two people for this reason is used to calm the moods between lovers.

Bring it to your bag to attract wealth!

Give a bag of basil brings luck to the house of those who receive it!

It is used in love spells.


In the countries of Eastern Europe, it is said that man will love the woman from whose hands he will have received a sprig of basil.

By fixing two fresh leaves on the burning coals, it is said that if they burn quickly remaining where the marriage was put or the relationship will be harmonious.If the couple's life breaks out, it'll be a quarrel if the leaves fly away the union is to be avoided!

It is said that witches drink half a cup of basil juice before taking flight:-)

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